16 June 2014

My Market List

I find making shopping lists rather annoying.  On a ripped piece of paper or a napkin from my glove-box, I create shopping lists with no organization in sight.  I almost always forget something on my list or get to the check-out line and realize I didn't cross something off my list that is back at the front of the store. 
I've seen adorable shopping list notepads on-line and in stores, but I just can't bring myself to spend money on them.  

My solution... a DIY list.  

I created my own 'Market List' with categories in the order in which I walk most grocery stores.  It was so easy to make, even easier to print on my home computer, and fabulous when shopping for the week's groceries in a crowded market.  

The best part is, being the nerd that I am, I can print my lists in any color of card stock I want. For now I am using sunshine yellow because of summer.  :)

Click the link to download my 'Market List' to print at home (or copy the picture to your desktop and open in word or adobe).  Be sure to tag me on instagram (#sundaychampagne) to show-off how you use the list.  

Happy Shopping!