11 November 2015

Magnolia at the Silos

Do you watch HGTV?  I do and I love it.  It's such a great channel to have on in the background on a weekend afternoon when you are doing housework.  Every show makes home remodeling seem like a breeze, while in reality that isn't possible for most homeowners.  The channel always has me thinking back to my days as an interior design major in college.  I miss the design world quite a lot, so HGTV is where I go to get my design fix. 
I love two shows on HGTV, Property Brothers and Fixer Upper.  I first got hooked on Fixer Upper because the couple intrigued me.  The show is hosted by Chip & Joanna Gaines (and their adorable little family).  They are a hilarious married couple who live on a farm in Waco, Texas and flip homes in the area.  Aside from their fun personalities, I first found the show appealing because Waco is only an hour drive from where I live. 

I love their decorating style, Modern Farmhouse.  Antique farmhouse elements come together with modern touches and cool colors in nearly all of their projects.  Every time I watch the show I find myself lusting over multiple design elements; if not the entire makeover. 
When I found out that The Gaine's were opening a new design store, Magnolia at the Silos, I knew a mini road-trip was in my future.  I set the date on my calendar for the grand opening and counted down. 

The grand opening was a two day event.  I planned on heading down the first day to snag all the good stuff before it was sold out.  Unfortunately we had severe thunderstorms in the area with flooding that day so we did have to postpone our trip to the second day; we knew it would be crazy busy.
Bright and early on Saturday, October 31st I set out to Waco with my mother-in-law and sweet baby boy; it was his first mini road-trip. 

After an hour and a half drive from Fort Worth we arrived at The Silos at the perfect time.  We lucked out with a parking spot close-by and made it into the building before the rope went -up and a long line formed outside The Silos.  The place was so crowded they had to control how many people were in the building at a given time. 
At first sight we were surprised by the crowds, how were we going to get through the building with the stroller?  Then we were slightly disappointed at how small the actual shop was.  But, we found our groove and started strolling through the aisles.  I loved everything in the store but of course I had to pick and choose what I could buy for my home. 

In the end I walked away very happy with a framed chalkboard, magazine bin, milk jug centerpiece, white vase, and comfy t-shirt. 
After a half-hour in line waiting to pay, we were excited to get our things dropped off at the car so we could go back to The Silos for the outdoor farmers market and food truck lunch.  But, just as we were headed back there, it started to rain.  Afraid that my little dude would get wet and cold we decided to not stay and didn't get to enjoy that part.

Magnolia at the Silos is a great shop for cozy home accessories at a great price and I can't wait to drive to Waco to shop again.  Maybe they will have some new things before Christmas?!?! 

Shop online here



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My favorite is the sweet picture of that adorable little one! The shop sounds amazing though.
